“"In Mistakes Are Gifts, author Maria Cedolini Thompson, complemented by illustrator Daria Shamolina, presents a heartwarming story centered on Luca's first day at a new school. This children's book navigates the challenges and apprehensions associated with new beginnings, skillfully capturing Luca's initial anxiety about fitting into an unfamiliar environment. As Luca encounters his new teacher and classmates, he discovers an atmosphere of acceptance and learns an invaluable lesson: mistakes are an integral part of life.
Thompson's narrative gracefully conveys the importance of embracing errors as opportunities for growth. Shamolina's vibrant illustrations beautifully bring this message to life, adding depth and warmth to the story. Luca, as a character, is endearing and easily relatable for young readers. He symbolizes the anxieties faced by many children in new situations. The book's core theme—that learning from mistakes is a joyful and essential part of personal development—resonates profoundly.”